Profile details

Physiotherapy Specialist

English, Spanish Portuguese, Italian

Dr. André de Oliveira


André is a Chartered Physiotherapist and both founder, and director of ALO Physiotherapy Clinic of Harley Street. Andre thrives on the strong belief that as the history of our lives becomes our biology, treating any condition holistically is the way forward for effective rehabilitation. He has extensive knowledge and experience with the rehabilitation process, and a particularly keen interest in the spine, pelvic pain in sports and injuries alike, treating many professional sportsmen and women over the years.

André is originally from Brazil where he first found his passion in sport and obtained his first degree in Sport Science. His drive for achievement and knowledge then led him to secure an honours degree in Physiotherapy at the University of East London (UEL) in 1998. Andre has worked at many leading London hospitals, including the Royal London Hospital and Northwick Park Hospital where he obtained extensive clinical experience in the areas of orthopaedics, elderly care, sports injuries, and post-surgical care.

Andre prides himself on staying up to date in the latest advancements of his field being one of the first clinics in the UK to begin using TECAR Therapy Technology in the early 2000’s, a popular and prevalent healing technology across Europe. André's passion for furthering advancements within physiotherapy does not stop there. He is always linking with the continent to find out new Evidence based technologies to help his patients . He is also becoming increasing involved with the physiotherapy regulatory bodies and has led many seminars imparting his knowledge to the younger generations of graduates, and aspiring physiotherapists.

Today, Andre has begun delving into Men’s Health Physiotherapy attending training events in France, Spain, and Italy. His newfound passion in Men’s Health stems from Andre’s own personal journey with chronic pelvic pain syndrome. Looking for a solution, Andre soon found the benefits Men’s Health physiotherapy, undergoing Shockwave Treatment with Urologist Dr Fabio Castiglione and applying other technologies such as Focal Vibration Therapy and tecar therapy to help himself . It was this turning point in Andre’s condition which led to the intense study of Men’s Health Physiotherapy in a bid to raise awareness of Men’s Health treatments.